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publié le mardi 5 juin 2012

Eurosurveillance rapporte à nouveau des cas d’importation de rougeole, cette fois en Finlande et en Estonie, par des voyageurs revenant de Phuket en Thaïlande.

Countries with no autochthonous measles run the risk of the virus being imported by travellers and transmitted to unprotected citizens. In April 2012, two travellers from Finland and one from Estonia were diagnosed with measles after returning from Phuket, Thailand. They were contagious on their return flights and subsequently exposed several individuals, prompting extensive infection control measures. Two secondary cases were detected : one child who had received one vaccine dose and another who was fully vaccinated.
Kantele A, Valtonen K, Davidkin I, Martelius T, Võželevskaja N, Skogberg K, Liesmaa I, Lyytikäinen O. Travellers returning with measles from Thailand to Finland, April 2012 : infection control measures. Euro Surveill. 2012 ;17(22):pii=20184.

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