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Hépatite B

publié le mardi 7 mai 2013

Une méta-analyse publiée dans Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal décrit des facteurs qui jouent un rôle dans la diminution de l’immunité chez des jeunes enfants vaccinés contre l’hépatite B.

Les auteurs proposent un modèle prédictif de la protection à long terme suite à une vaccination d’un nourrisson.

Background : The duration of protection after hepatitis B vaccination in early infancy is unclear and may be related to vaccination schedule, dosage, vaccine type and population characteristics. Factors potentially influencing waning immunity were assessed.

Methods : A systematic review was performed. The main outcomes were prevalence of anti-hepatits B antibodies ≥ 10 mIU/mL after primary or booster vaccination. Factors potentially influencing protection were assessed in an adjusted random-effects meta-analysis model by age for both outcomes. Results of both meta-analyses were combined in a prognostic model.

Results : Forty-six studies reporting on the anti-hepatits B antibodies ≥ 10 mIU/mL 5 to 20 years after primary immunization and 29 on booster response were identified. The adjusted meta-analyses identified maternal carrier status (odds ratio [OR] : 2.37 [1.11 ; 5.08]), lower vaccine dosage than presently recommended (OR : 0.14 [0.06 ; 0.30]) and gap time between last and preceding dose of the primary vaccine series (OR : 0.44 [0.22 ; 0.86]) as determinants for persistence of anti-hepatits B antibodies ≥ 10. A lower vaccine dosage was also associated with failure to respond to booster (OR : 0.20 [0.10 ; 0.38]). The prognostic model predicted long-term protection of 90% [77% ; 100%] at the age of 17 years for offspring of noncarrier mothers vaccinated with a presently recommended dose and vaccination schedule.

Conclusions : Based on meta-analyses, predictors of waning immunity after hepatitis B vaccination in infancy could be identified. A prognostic model for long-term protection after hepatitis B vaccination in infancy was developed.

Plus d’information : Schönberger K, Riedel C, Rückinger S et al. Determinants of Long-term Protection After Hepatitis B Vaccination in Infancy : A Meta-analysis. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. April 2013 - Volume 32 - Issue 4 - p 307–313 doi : 10.1097/INF.0b013e31827bd1b0

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